Aaron and Matt are close friends of our family and were always close with Brian. They have just made a song in memory of him and were kind enough to allow us to post it on this website. Here is Aaron Means' note...

Matt Means began this project last fall. He created lyrics, song melody, vocals, guitar. I was feeling like I wanted to do something - musically - for Brian. When he played the idea for me I instantly knew it was the right song. On Christmas, Matt recorded a rough demo in our studio for developing purposes at my request. A few months later we pieced together the recording you all are hearing.

The song is called "CHURCHYARD"
featuring Matt on Vocals, Guitar, Electronic Drums
featuring Aaron on Piano, Synth Bass, and Synth Strings

I hope you all like it - we miss him and hope this blesses everyone who wants to listen.


by Aaron and Matt Means